
Leading Improvement for Transformation



Full course description

This course is aimed at increasing your leadership skills to implement an improvement cycle. It is designed for principals, senior, and middle leaders as well as those supporting these  leadership positions. It is being delivered in a blended format.

  • Time needed: majority of learners will commit 23 hours to this course over the duration of the course.  It comprises 6 sessions of 1.5 face-to-face hours via zoom and an expectation that an equal amount of time is spent on reading and school improvement tasks associated with each module

Learning intentions and Success Criteria

  1.  That all leaders will understand the cycle of improvement as an ongoing way of working that is embedded in the day-to-day work of a school.
  2.  That all school leadership teams will review their current way of operating and make amendments to ensure that their approach to improvement is more focused and methodical.
  3. That all school leadership teams will gather some process data (e.g., changes to teaching and organizational practices) and some performance data (student outcomes) in short cycles so they can react to that data and create discernible improvements in the short term.

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